Mercedes-benz S-Class 2011 User Manual Page 169

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Display and description of lane recommendations
The colors used in the lane recommendation display vary depending on whether day or night
design is switched on.
Lane Day design Night design
Recommended lane C
In this lane, you will be able to complete the
next two changes of direction without
changing lanes.
Dark blue Light blue
Possible lane B
In this lane, you will only be able to complete
the next change of direction without
changing lanes.
Light blue Dark blue
Lane not recommended D
In this lane, you will not be able to complete
the next change of direction without
changing lanes.
Gray Gray
Car pool lanes
COMAND shows car pool lanes.
Car pool lanes can only be used under certain
conditions. Please observe the relevant legal
Example display: car pool lane
Roadway marking
Marking in COMAND
Information in the multifunction display
The lane recommendations are also shown in
the multifunction display. You will find further
information in the "On-board computer"
chapter (Y page 365).
Interrupting or continuing route
Canceling route guidance
To switch on navigation mode: press the
S function button once or twice.
To show the menu: press W the COMAND
Select Destination in the navigation
menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND
controller and press W to confirm.
Select Cancel Route Guidance and press
W to confirm.
Continuing route guidance
To switch on navigation mode: press
function button S once or twice.
To show the menu: press the COMAND
controller W.
Select Destination in the navigation
menu bar by turning cVd the COMAND
controller and press W to confirm.
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